The Little Blog of the Angels

The path of the Angels that leads to Serenity

Secret meanings of the summer solstice

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Solstices are major events occurring twice a year: the summer and winter solstices. They are the opposite of (fall and spring) equinoxes and bring nice opportunities to mark important changes in our lives. What happens when the summer solstice takes...

Aura and chakras

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In our Western society, having a healthy Aura is not the main priority of many people. By contrast, in countries such as India or Tibet, the Aura is paid as much attention to as the body when someone is suffering....

Inspirational quote

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Wisdom is the quality that keeps you from getting into situations where you need it. Doug Larson

Jupiter, the planet of greatness

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The planets making up our solar system exert an energy-giving influence. This has been known for a long time. Each planet influences the zodiac sign linked to it, but also other signs. Let’s see how the influence of Jupiter (the...