The Little Blog of the Angels

The path of the Angels that leads to Serenity

Be Happy Every Single Day

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One of the keys to happiness is to be happy as soon as you wake up. That’s how you can prevent misfortune from setting in and spreading its poison in your mind. Then, if you keep that state of mind...

Fall Equinox – meanings

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The Fall equinox corresponds to the specific astral event that sees the sun cross the equator. As a result, days and nights have the same duration. But what else happens on this very day?  A major date in the calendar...

Develop your Artistic Skills

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Art is the best way to evolve spiritually speaking, to change your life, to express your free will, and to live life to the full. By developing your artistic skills, you can give free rein to your creativity and reach...

Magical Plants

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Undeniably, plants have magical powers and can be used anytime you need help. They are used in almost all religious, magical, and spiritual ceremonies around the world.  You too can use them on a daily basis to help you for...

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