The Little Blog of the Angels

The path of the Angels that leads to Serenity

Let’s Dance

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Dancing can be a great method of self-development and can help build strong relations with others. But it can also be a wonderful activity for stimulating your body and soul. Here are a few tips to take full advantage of...

How To Exercise Spiritually

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If you want to make progress, change your life and fulfill your desires, you need to work on both your mind and body because what impacts the mind impacts the body. But there is no need to perform complex physical...

The end of the world seen by Nostradamus

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Among all the accounts related to the end of the world proclaimed by several prophets, that of Nostradamus – a mixture of horror and hope – is doubtlessly the most stupendous and accurate of all. Centuries were written in a...

Spring Equinox

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It happens once a year to mark the beginning of spring. It is the time when days and nights are equal. This event has a “twin brother”: the fall equinox. But what exactly happens during this special moment called the...

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